



British Islamic Nursery

Why Employer Sponsored Childcare

In today's modern era, as both mothers and fathers pursue careers, employer-sponsored childcare initiatives have become essential. We provide a secure and nurturing environment for children, allowing working parents to focus on their jobs with peace of mind, knowing that their children are well cared for and safe in our childcare center. Our program aligns with early learning goals of the EYFS framework, ensuring comprehensive development for children in Sharjah.
At British Islamic Nursery in Sharjah, we understand the challenges that working parents face and offer an employer-sponsored childcare program designed to meet these needs.

A Solution for Work-Life Balance

Employer-sponsored childcare provides an effective solution to the work-life balance dilemma that many families encounter. By offering a convenient, safe, and high-quality childcare option, companies can demonstrate their commitment to supporting their employees’ personal lives, reducing stress, and enhancing overall productivity. This form of support allows parents to focus on their careers, confident that their children are in a secure environment that fosters growth and learning.

Quality Care with a Focus on Development

At British Islamic Nursery, our approach to employer-sponsored childcare is rooted in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. This comprehensive curriculum encompasses key areas of early learning, including communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design. By integrating the EYFS framework, we ensure that our childcare program is not only safe and nurturing but also educationally enriching.

Employer-Sponsored Childcare: A Win-Win Solution

In conclusion, employer-sponsored childcare is a win-win solution for both businesses and employees. It provides working parents with a reliable and high-quality childcare option while offering employers a means to support their workforce effectively. At British Islamic Nursery, we take pride in delivering exceptional childcare services that align with the needs of modern families, ensuring that both parents and children can thrive in today’s dynamic world. If you’re interested in learning more about our employer-sponsored childcare program, we invite you to contact us for further information or to schedule a visit to our facility in Sharjah.

British Islamic Nursery is committed to providing education par excellence through an enriched curriculum for young learners.

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